REGIONS ON THE RISE. Rethinking Strategies for Rural Development


Our age of urbanisation has focussed primarily on city inhabitants, while developments in rural areas drifted into the background. As a result, a binary differentiation between centre and periphery arose, which no longer took (inter)dependencies into account. Regions on the Rise focuses on fresh concepts and rethought design approaches with which to understand and plan rural regions. Conceptual understandings of the region as only a supportive hinterland for the city appear invalid, out of date and ineffective; as are the design and planning tools and instruments grown from this thinking.

The region is rather built upon spatial interdependencies that are increasingly autonomous of the city. The goal of the theme is to identify and highlight strategies for the development of a future sustainable rural area, connected to the metropolitan areas in the digital age. The interrelationship between rural production and urban culture is also increasingly being placed in the centre of society. This includes awareness in the context of urban agriculture, local markets, organic food stores, regional and seasonal consciousness and ecological strategies.

What choices, offers and services are needed to identify a new regional self-conciousness and create an attractive environment for the next generation of rural citizens? How can new visions and opportunities for a circular economy and local products be created?


Integrated Urban-Rural Planning and Governance: A Global Perspective with Urban-Rural Assembly (URA)
Online Conference: 23 September 2020

Christoph Hesse und Ritter Schumacher im Gespräch
Exhibition Talk: 4 October 2019

Regions on the Rise. New Space for Built Experiments in Rural China
Exhibition Talk: 3 May 2019

Regions on the Rise. Culture and Architeture as Drivers for Rural Development with the Songyang People's Government
International Conference in Songyang, China: 8–10 November 2018. Video Recording

Rural Moves. New Perspectives for Rural Areas in China and Germany with Xu Tiantian, Beijing
Exhibition Talk: 16 March 2018. Video Recording

Mountains / Architecture / Tourism. Between South Tyrolean Alps and Tibetan Himalayas
Exhibition Talk: 30 January 2015

ReTooling the Trades #1 Region as City: The Spatial Interdependencies Beyond the City with the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin
Lab Talk Series: 12 May 2014

Regional City – Vom Wohnort zum Lebensort. Internationale Sommerschule zur Zukunft der Peripherie: Münster School of Architecture; TU Berlin; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Leibniz Universität Hannover, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
University Design Studio: 12–26 September 2013

The Regional City – Local Campus in the Metropolitan Fringe
Lectures: 20 September 2013

Politecnico di Milano: Edgelands and Urban Agriculture
University Design Studio: 29 April – 3 May 2013

The Why Factory, TU Delft: Resilience. Testing Regions Under Stress
University Design Studio: 9–18 November 2012. Video Recording

Design as Politics, TU Delft: Shrinking Regions Growing Democracy
University Design Studio: 9–18 November 2012. Video Recording

Theme Booklet


Dunya Bouchi
[email protected]


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