25 - 27 January 2010
Stadtschloss.Forscher is a cooperation project of kleine baumeister with Wili-Graf High School. During this second Stadtschloss.Forscher workshop taking place at ANCB, the participants worked in small groups on their chosen research projects: the construction of an exclusive palace model, the development of a palace board game or the preparation of interviews.
© Weigand Design
The subject of the Berlin Stadtschloss’s reconstruction and its usage as Humboldt-Forum will send students of the Willi-Graf High School in Berlin on an expedition into the past and future of this pivotal site in Germany. Construction plans, surveys, films, collages, and interviews with decision makers will be compiled to form a multimedia library on the topic. The students will learn to actively position themselves with regard to the subject, to form an opinion in the current politco-cultural debate, to develop their own questions, and to independently look for solutions, to document them and to pass them on. They will break new grounds and ask a lot of questions: What were the pros and cons of the reconstruction of the Stadtschloss and the Humboldt-Forum? Why is there such a heated debate on the subject? What would a topical and appropriate recontroction of the Stadtschloss look like?